This week we’re releasing version 4.3.0 of our mobile app on iPhone and Android. In addition to the many small bug fixes and other improvements, this release includes the ability to use Wingman on your phone. With Wingman, you can give someone full access to your account full access to your account without having to share your password. Expensify will continue to keep a paper trail of each user’s actual actions. So when your Wingman performs an action on a report, we record that it was them, not you.
Signing up for Wingman
It’s extremely easy to add a Wingman. Just log into the web app (at, navigate to your settings, and invite someone to be your Wingman.
Above you see that Giorgio, Garrett, and I have Wingman access to Carlos’ account and that Carlos can log into two tests accounts and Giorgio’s account.
Using Wingman
To use the feature on the web, I just click on the user menu ( avatar in the top right ) and I can see the list of accounts that I can access.
On my mobile app, I can go to settings to connect to Carlos’ account.
Tapping on this row shows the list of users that I have Wingman access with.
Now I just select the user’s account I want to access.
Back on the home screen, I see that the header and tabs are a different color and there is a small wingman icon on the settings.
I can even forward receipts into accounts that you have access to:
Go give it a whirl! And remember, always practice safe Wingmanning.